Dear Democrats: Please Stop Funding Republicans

Democrats in Colorado are up to something truly baffling… buying advertisements for right-wing Republicans

Chris Calvey
Politically Speaking
3 min readJul 13, 2022


Image credit: Gunjan2021 via Pixabay

Groups affiliated with the Democratic Party, including the House Majority PAC and the Democratic Governors Association, are up to something truly baffling in Colorado…

Democrats are buying advertisements for right-wing Republican candidates in the CO Governor, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House races.

These shitty candidates all have at least one thing in common: denying that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.

Take for instance the case of Lori Saine, an extremely conservative Republican running for the primary in Colorado’s 8th District — a competitive seat that could very well determine the balance of the U.S. Congress in the 2024 midterms. Here’s the transcript of a TV ad that was bought and paid for by Democrat dollars:

  • “Do we really want a conservative warrior as our next member of Congress?”
  • “Lori Saine supported Donald Trump from Day 1, and led the effort to audit the 2020 election in Colorado.”
  • “Saine supports outlawing abortions, and earned the highest rating by pro-life leaders.
  • “She opposes any gun control.”
  • “Saine supports Donald Trump’s border wall 100%, claiming Democrats are woke socialists
  • “Lori Saine: she’s way too conservative for Colorado”

Apart from that feeble punchline about her being “too conservative,” this pseudo-attack ad easily could have been produced by the Saine campaign itself. It practically gushes over her conservative bona-fides: pro-Trump, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-wall, and of course anti-woke. Why on Earth would the Democratic party be bankrolling their political opponents?

These political masterminds are purposefully elevating the profiles of the most radical Republicans in the hopes that those extremists go on to win their primaries, and pave the way for Democrats to have an easier time defeating them in the general election. What could go wrong?

You might remember this so-called clever strategy from 2016, when the Democratic National Committee had the idea of promoting wacky “pied piper” candidates, like Donald Trump. The goal was to push the GOP towards more extreme right-wing positions, which would make Hillary Clinton appear more palatable by comparison. Boy, did that turn out well!

Following Colorado’s recent June 28th elections, none of the Democrats’ preferred seditionists won their Republican primaries. Thankfully, at least in these races, Colorado Republicans are not interested in electing morons who think the 2020 election was stolen.

In the end, the Democratic party just wasted at least $6 million providing a platform to amplify the conservative messaging of some of the worst Republicans in the state of Colorado.

I can’t help but think about all of the better ways this money could have been spent. Perhaps:

  • Well-deserved bonus checks to underpaid Colorado teachers?
  • Travel assistance for those now flocking to Colorado for abortions?
  • Succinct TV ads explaining how Trump tried to steal the 2020 election?
  • Maybe just fly over Denver and dump $20 bills out of a helicopter?

The U.S. is in a precarious political position, worse than any I’ve seen in my lifetime. An illegitimate Supreme Court is currently imposing a right-wing Christian theocracy. The Republican party kneels at the altar of Donald Trump, willing to do anything to reappoint their authoritarian dear leader. Half the country is enthralled under a Fox News stupor, living in a parallel alternate reality.

Democrats are losing the messaging game here. Far too few people realize the severity of the threat of Republican fascism that is at our doorstep. The last thing Democrats should be doing with our precious resources is meddling in Republican primaries to signal-boost the same dangerous ideas that we desperately need to defeat.

Democracy itself is under grave threat in this country.

We don’t have time for this bullshit.

This piece was edited by my lovely partner, Nicole Shea Niebler.



Chris Calvey
Politically Speaking

Microbiologist saving the world with synthetic biology and renewable energy. Plus, writing about lefty politics. My research: