Democracy at the Crossroads

Trumpism isn’t consequence-free

Richard Turcotte
Politically Speaking


A bit of everything [photo by author]

Left-leaning Americans are now at political and cultural risk through little or no fault of their own. Those of us who either believe in or respect the body of liberal/progressive principles and generally open-minded approach to differences and possibilities are threatened by unprincipled Republican officials to a much greater degree than ever before. Realizing they are now in the political and cultural minority, the sole priority for Trump toadies is obvious: They are determined to gain and maintain political power by whatever means are necessary. Period.

Judging by the several hundred pieces of restrictive voting legislation filed in states across the country, they’ve discarded shame, embarrassment, honesty, honoring their responsibilities, and oaths of office. It was much too easy for too many of them. Fealty to Donald Trump is now the rule by which they live. While they are conditioned to mislead as and when necessary, the voter suppression efforts no longer merit trumped-up excuses or carefully-worded yet pitifully transparent nonsense. The GOP’s descent into anti-American, integrity-free, power-for-power’s sake selfishness and greed would be embarrassing if it weren’t instead so vile and dangerous.

Americans must begin paying at least enough attention to understand these efforts and how…



Richard Turcotte
Politically Speaking

Partisanship has no good ending. I’d like to do my part to change that. A better future is a choice.