Media’s Narrative That Dems are in Disarray Continues

Meanwhile, the Insane Party pays homage to the guy who incited the insurrection

Jeff Marzick
Politically Speaking


Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

One of the more prevailing narratives over the past several years by the mainstream media is how the Democratic Party is always in disarray. To hear some of them, you’d think Democrats can never agree on anything.

A recent article by Jeff Stein in The Washington Post drives home the idea by pointing out that there are differences in opinion between Senator Bernie Sanders in the Senate and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on how Democrats should move forward on health care.

Sanders has been a vocal advocate of Medicare for All, a government-run health care system where every citizen in the country is covered from birth to death. Pelosi is advocating for an expanded version of The Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Pelosi would like to make the ACA subsidy enhancements included in the American Rescue Act permanent. Sanders, for his part, would like to lower the Medicare eligibility age requirement to either age 55 or 60, something President Biden has signaled he’d be open to that could potentially add up to 23 million people to the popular program.

Okay. Yes, there’s a disagreement between House and Senate leaders. The progressive wing…



Jeff Marzick
Politically Speaking

Freelance writer/blogger living in the Pacific Northwest. You can also follow me at my blog: