Divide, Demean, and Disparage

Do Republicans understand the meaning of the words?

Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking
2 min readSep 6, 2022


Author has photographed a divisive activity

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” said President Biden.

Speaking prior to the address, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy called on Biden to apologize.

“President Biden has chosen to divide, demean, and disparage his fellow Americans — why? Simply because they disagree with his policies,” McCarthy said in his own speech from Pennsylvania.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!

The mind boggles at the broad range of hypocrisy. But let’s narrow the response to two points.

Mr. McCarthy, have you ever listened to the former President to whose posterior you are securely glued? He is the gold-plated-toilet standard for dividing, demeaning, and disparaging his fellow Americans.

Regarding women, Mr. Trump has used the terms “Horseface,” “Lowlife,” “Fat,” and “Ugly.” And that doesn’t even mention where he grabs them.

Mr. Trump labels the places from which many immigrants hail as “shithole countries.”

Mr. Trump calls John McCain a loser for surviving years in captivity where he would have expired in the first week.

The list goes on. But more importantly, Mr. McCarthy, what would you have President Biden do?

Should he be reaching out to people who fly “Let’s Go Brandon” flags and openly declare how they’d love to do violence to Mr. Biden? Should the current president pardon the traitors who stormed the Capitol on January 6th, 2021? Should Sleepy Joe (yet another disparagement) don a MAGA hat? Or perhaps he should squeeze some red-blooded Americans from a stone.

Mr. Biden knows there is no point in trying to negotiate with crazy people. “You can’t talk to a man when he don’t wanna understand.” Their minds are irrevocably made up, and they’re not about to let any facts or reasoning dissuade them from their beliefs. And Mr. Biden has correctly identified former President Trump and the MAGA Republicans as the intransigent people who are a threat to democracy.

One cannot divide that which is already divided. And if the people to whom Mr. Biden refers wish to put an end to our democratic republic, then they deserve disparagement in no uncertain terms.

Mr. McCarthy, you equivocate. Your comments are a reaction to Joe Biden‘s announcement that he will no longer serve as your punching bag. He has declared that he will not stand immobile as you and your fascist allies dismantle the United States of America.

Mr. Biden has exposed you for what you are, and you cannot bear the light of day.



Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.