
Do Republicans Want a Civil War?

The GOP is unraveling democracy and menacing American peace

Alexander Ziperovich
Politically Speaking
6 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

It is a complicated and perilous moment for the world’s oldest modern democracy, as the United States emerges out from under the darkness of a catastrophic, gravely mismanaged pandemic and the violent political upheaval that marked the end of Donald Trump’s failed presidency. Yet Trump’s stolen election lie lingers in America like a slow-burning infection, a political poison pill undermining the stability and security of the nation, with multiple converging symptoms and as yet unknown final consequences.

The Biden administration is doing what it can to douse the flames of partisan rage and cultural warfare, tamping down the rhetoric while focusing on the business of governing a bitterly divided nation, though that hasn’t quite ended the raging conflagration Donald Trump gleefully set alight.

Indeed, there are burning embers in the air above the tinderbox of American politics, threatening to reignite the inferno that was only temporarily subdued on January 6. The bellicose rhetoric from leaders on the right seems designed to provide the spark for more political violence and madness.

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Alexander Ziperovich
Politically Speaking

Essayist, opinion columnist, dyspeptic political analyst, historian. I spread anti-propaganda. @alexziperovich Also at alexziperovich.substack.com