Don’t Get Too Excited about Election Day

You know we may not know the results for months

Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
Politically Speaking
2 min readNov 6, 2022


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

My sister said she bought a bottle of wine for election night. After we talked about it, she agreed she may need a case rather than a bottle.

How soon do you think we’ll know the results of the elections? That night if the Republicans win every single election. (My liver just shriveled up at the thought.) If a single Democrat wins anywhere, get ready for the battle royal.

Lawyers all over the country are sharpening their pens and teeth in anticipation of the chaos that is about to ensue. Our courts are about to be backed up worse than a Kodiak bear getting ready to hibernate. (They are the biggest bears I can think of, so I imagine they are majorly backed up.)

How many of the GOP candidates for governor, Congress, secretary of state, mayor, dog catcher, or garbage collector chief have already said they will not accept the results if they lose? If they haven’t said it out loud yet, they will as soon as the numbers start showing a trend against them on election night.

Every single election that a Democrat wins will have to be recounted at least once, maybe 10 times. Accusations of empty cemeteries and aliens from other galaxies will fly. “Hang on. It’s going to be a bumpy ride” doesn’t begin to cover it.

Numbers don’t lie, but Republicans do, and accusations of rigged voting machines, people voting twice (one absentee, one in-person), and hypnotists handing out ballots will be like a tsunami ravaging a coastline. Steve Kornacki on MSNBC will possibly wear out all of his khakis before it’s all over, sometime in January, maybe.

The new Congress may not be able to be seated before February 2024.

Get ready for a clusterf**k. Whatever the results are on election night will be worthless for months unless the Republicans sweep every single contest. Every. Single. One. It’s their way or nothing. Two years later, the Orange man is still claiming victory. Watch that times thousands.

Don’t open that bottle of champagne on election night. It will be flatter than flat by the time the dust settles on this little experiment in democracy.

Oh, goody.

Please research where your representatives stand on gun reform and women’s health care, and remember to vote on Tuesday, November 8th. May the Lord have mercy on us all if we don’t vote in our own best interests.

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Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
Politically Speaking

Former English professor ponders life, love, and how to leap tall buildings in a single bound.