Avoid Fake News: Don’t Trust These News Sources, Read These Instead

A quick breakdown of the most statistically trusted news sources in 2022

J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking


A man reading a burning newspaper
Photo by Danya Gutan from Pexels

***Updated on 03/02/2022

Back in the summer of 2020, I spent a huge amount of time collecting data on over 100 different news sources used in the US. I looked at website traffic, domain authority, paywalls, and a company called Ad Fontes Media.

They have an interesting project where they hire people from all sides of the political spectrum to statistically analyze news reporting with a tedious methodology.

As my original article is now a bit out of date, I wanted to do a quick update showing the best and worst-performing news organizations according to their massive data field.


I’ll try to keep it short and sweet here and leave some links for further reading if you’re keen.

The company:

Ad Fontes Media is a Public Benefit Corporation in Colorado, a for-profit company with a stated mission of benefiting the public. (No, I’ve never heard of these either.) It was started by a patent attorney named Vanessa Otero after her essay about news bias went viral almost 5 years ago.



J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking

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