Each Day is One Step Closer for Equality, Diversity and Truth

“We are the ones we have been waiting for”

Carolyn Riker
Politically Speaking


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This piece wrote me Saturday morning, the day after the devastation and shock of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Like countless others, her death has left an indelible ache in my soul. These words are a tribute and acknowledgement, not to give up, but to keep pursuing equality, diversity, and truth.

Sometimes, it feels like the colors of the earth are sucked out and all that is left is an opal like grayness.

Breathing is an effort.

Pieces of information float in undecidedly like a fog on an empty endless sea waiting for a spark, a flicker, a ray of passion.

The sharpness in your heart mourns for another loss of justice.

The undefinable archetypal feels search for a solid focus, saying something like, don’t stop now.

It’s then when something pulls you to pick up your pen, find paper, and write.

Or you pick up a sign and protest.

Or you step out in the crowd and chant, Black Lives Matter.

Or you write to the U.S. Congress, your Senator, your Governor — until your voice is heard.



Carolyn Riker
Politically Speaking

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!