Election Day and the End is Near

Grab your ankles, hold your socks, after the election on Tuesday, someone is losing their rocks.

R. Scott
Politically Speaking


Just four years ago
We made a choice
Decided we did
Some think we paid a price

The world full of gloom
The ending in sight
We would hear
Each and every night

The press would play
On all our fears
Causing daily division
With us holding our tears

Upon us again
With doom descending
We decide on Tuesday
Between red and blue

If you listen to hard
It’s life or death
The daily shoving
Against our chests

No matter what occurs
A decision pending
We go to the polls
Selecting butt-head one or butt-head two

Cries will abound
The end is here
Screams the press
Into our ear



R. Scott
Politically Speaking

As a former Federal Agent, Gang Expert, Restaurant Owner, and Father, I have stories to share. Enjoy my journey. Contact me on Facebook, I like to chat.