Emotional Truth, Political Lies #01

Emotional Truths, Political Lies — An Introduction to Key Themes

Fox News: emotional manipulation for fun and profit

Alan Tabor
Politically Speaking
10 min readMar 27, 2021


How can people be so stupid?

I hear that question all the time. Well, how did we get so stupid? It wasn’t easy.

PRRI: Crazy Like a Fox

Image from Baptist News Global, screengrab from Fox

I try to maintain a varied information diet. This study from Baptist News Global raised my antennae: “From religion to immigration to COVID, Fox News creates divisions even among Republicans

Baptist News was reporting on a study by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a Pew-like research institute founded in 2009 and dedicated to illuminating “important cultural and religious dynamics shaping American society and politics.”

What was remarkable in their findings was not the distance between Fox viewers’ picture of reality and that of average American’s but the wide distance between “Fox News Republicans” and other Republicans!

In a study polling 2,538 Americans, they discovered striking differences between Americans in general, Republicans, and (most telling) Republicans that get most of their news from Fox News.



Alan Tabor
Politically Speaking

Berkeley Backpacking Biz Lifer, System Builder, Coder, Community Organizer, Music and Evolutionary Biology Geek. All my projects at http://altabor.org/