Everybody Talks About Donald Trump BUT…

..like the weather, no one DOES anything about him

John Lewis
Politically Speaking


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Another day, another series of revelations about the former president of stuff we pretty much already knew.

Investigations on top of committee hearings on top of legal proceedings on top of subpoenas, all showing ample evidence to proceed against the Orange Grifter-In-Chief on several fronts. Yet, just like complaints about the weather (at least here in Texas), no one seems to DO anything about it.

Why? Is Trump some sort of force of nature like a tornado?

Perhaps it’s something else at work here that the average American is finally coming to grips with. That we have evolved a two-tier justice system in the US, and Trump is the public embodiment of it.

By two-tier, I mean one set of enforcement procedures used on the poor, minority, or middle-class folk; a second, lenient set used on the insanely wealthy carriage trade like Trump. Rarely will you see any crossover between the groups.

The first group of average people (you and me, that is) gets the proverbial book thrown at them if they even remotely cross the law. Sure they may be advised of their rights (and a few lefts, too) by police, but they’re in for a rough time.



John Lewis
Politically Speaking

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.