Full-Court Press

Dr. Anthony Fauci plays point while fighting Covid-19 pandemic

Brooke Ramey Nelson
Politically Speaking


I created this meme last fall when the former occupant of the White House was thinking about sidelining Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been battling on our behalf for more than a year. Photo: Author’s Archives

Anthony Fauci is a national hero. And anyone who thinks differently can kiss my ever-lovin’ grits, as my Nana would say. He’s given more to America — and Americans — than his diminutive 5'7" frame reveals.

Fauci, an ardent and well-known Washington Nationals Baseball fan, also knows how to play a mean game of basketball, despite his stature. He was the captain of his high school basketball team back in NYC. And his former teammates remember him as a player who could “dribble the ball through a brick wall”.

We’ve seen him in action, fighting for all Americans in a full-court press against the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s stepped up his game for seven presidents, and has been an adviser to every prez since Ronald Reagan. This past year he’s had to fight the misinformation coming from his own team.

President Joseph R. Biden named Fauci his Chief Medical Adviser last week. And the good doctor told the assembled White House press corps that his new role in the battle against the pandemic is “liberating”.

Things were not always so rosy for Dr. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert. He had to endure hours — no, really weeks, months— of Coronavirus Task Force briefings that were more clown show than press…



Brooke Ramey Nelson
Politically Speaking

Native Texan & Mizzou Journalism grad. I’ve worked in newspapers, politics, PR & as a high school pubs adviser/AP English teacher. TOP WRITER?