Gang Chen Just Helped Unveil a Revolutionary Semiconductor Advancement

He didn’t let Trump’s persecution halt his studies

Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking
10 min readAug 22, 2022


The nefarious activities of the Trump administration are so numerous that it’s easy to forget many of them. In 2018, the Orange Buffoon’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, announced a plan to persecute Chinese-born American scientists.

No, that’s not Gang Chen, but it could be some other Chinese scientist. Image licensed from Adobe Stock.

Using the Orwellian term “Chinese Initiative,” Sessions’ Department of Justice began a program of legal harassment that sent many outstanding professional scientists, many of them American citizens, scrambling reluctantly back to China. Considering the anti-immigration stance of people like Jeff Sessions and Stephen Miller, it’s not a stretch to guess that was the intent of the “initiative.”

Think about that for a minute. Chinese scientists who had left their homeland for the so-called freedoms of America changed their minds and decided that President Xi’s China was actually a safer place to live.

One who didn’t leave was MIT professor Gang Chen, who somehow shrugged off Sessions’ assault and has since helped lead a major discovery in semiconductors that has the potential to be a “game changer.”



Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille