GOP Wants You to Think Americans Don’t Want to Work

There’s a lot more to people not going back to work yet — the right doesn’t want you to know that

Jeff Marzick
Politically Speaking


Photo courtesy of Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

There’s enough uncertainty around these days to drive us all crazy. But there’s one thing you can count on as sure as the rising sun: The GOP’s continued assault on the character of the American people. To hear them tell it, we’re nothing but a bunch of lazy, entitled takers.

In case you haven’t heard, we’re slowly coming out of the worst pandemic in a century. Our lives have been turned upside down in every which way imaginable. Lives were lost, people got sick, kids couldn’t go to school. On and on I could go. The year 2020 will go down in infamy as one of the worst on record.

And the economy was, of course, one of the biggest losers as far as how the pandemic played out. We lost 20 million jobs during the peak of the lockdowns back in April of last year. Slowly but surely, we’re coming out of the abyss. But it’s going to take time.

What we hear from the national media, though, and by default, today’s radical GOP, the generous unemployment benefits, recently continued with President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, is holding back our economy because people don’t want to work. They’d rather take the additional benefits…



Jeff Marzick
Politically Speaking

Freelance writer/blogger living in the Pacific Northwest. You can also follow me at my blog: