Grifters On Parade

These days the party is eat up with crazy

Politically Speaking


Author Generated

The Republican Party has gone off the rails.
Bat shit crazy off the rails.
Gone are the good old days of merely serving their corporate donors and screwing John Q Public.
That was fun while it lasted but when the rank and file finally rolled over and showed their bellies, the bloom was off the rose and they had to dig deeper for shits and giggles.

Send in the clowns.

These days the party is eat up with crazy.
Uncharted waters crazy.
Black Lagoon crazy.
The swamp didn’t get drained. It turned into a white supremacist rave.
It was restocked with a mutant strain of sleaze previously known only in bad Japanese kaiju movies. Godzilla ain’t got nothin on this crowd.
They didn’t just invite the Creature from the Black Lagoon, they invited every inbred in-law and two bit sidewinder in it’s extended family.
They’ve gone from walking to slithering.
Hidden beneath those expensive suits are scales.

It’s nothing more than a pyramid scheme of grifters with Mac Daddy Trump at the top.
Exiled down in Palm Beach, he’s holding…

