Have Journalists Had Enough?

A shift in the winds of partisan media coverage.

Mike Valentine
Politically Speaking
6 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash

Over the last four years media has become increasingly partisan from both a Democratic and Republican perspective. Everyone knows if you’re right- leaning you’re going to view mainly Fox News Channel when it comes to cable news. On the other side of the coin, left-leaning consumers are more likely to choose CNN as their main source of cable news. It is no secret that these two networks, and more importantly their viewers, have been at odds for years now. When the true hate and division began was during the second term of the Obama administration. The networks had always catered to their respective demographics, but this timeframe was when both started turning blind eyes to obvious issues just to support their viewer’s party or viewpoint of choice. Obviously, this all comes down to ratings and money, and drama sells. However, there is reason to believe that journalists on both sides of the partisan networks are beginning to get back to real journalism.

The last 10 months in the U.S. and certainly the world have been the strangest and in the case of many, the most difficult of modern history. For veteran journalists I imagine this has been no different for them. Perhaps their circumstances were even more daunting than that of the rest of the world as we all sheltered in our homes. The media suddenly became our only lifeline to the outside world and information. As such the jobs they do became all the more important. Personally I think that it is in these circumstances where some journalists began to remember their duty to the people. Not to say all journalists immediately became bi-partisan speakers of truth. As we all know by now, there are certain names in media whether it be at Fox News, CNN, or even MSNBC that will under any circumstance, report the news as they see it. Not as it is. Certain presenters will always overlook shortcomings of their demographics party or candidate of choice to ensure that the drama stays at the forefront, thus ensuring their ratings do as well. With that being said there are amazing journalists on all sides of the political spectrum. Over the last 4–6 months it is these journalists that have become visibly irritated by the antics taking place before them. Reporting truthfully on these antics, even though it is against their organizations goals is what makes them a true journalist.

Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

One of the biggest bombshells of the partisan media beginning to crack came long before the pandemic. On October 11th, 2019 Shepard Smith abruptly ended his career with Fox News Channel live on air at the conclusion of his show that day. A visibly shaken Neil Cavuto followed up with an impromptu, but fond goodbye to the long time and well respected chief anchor. As it would turn out this would be but one of many dominos to fall in regards to departures from major news outlets. Albeit, it is arguably the most telling of them all. Smith was and still is widely regarded and respected as an excellent journalist who would constantly look at a story from all perspectives. The fact that he no longer felt he was able to do so at one of the largest media companies in the world should be unsettling to us all. More unsettling is how quickly his loyal viewers turned on him after the announcement was made. On Facebook and other social media sites viewers expressed their distain for his departure. Often referring to him as a sell-out, or a liberal hack.

Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash

Long after Smith’s departure and as recently as September of this year, we are beginning to see journalists question their network’s party of choice in a way that has not been seen in the last 8 years. One great example of this is John Roberts, the Chief White House correspondent for Fox News Channel. After repeatedly asking Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany if the president would condemn white supremacy he turned his sights on Twitter users. Users were angry with members of the media, in this case specifically targeting Roberts, for pressing this question repeatedly. Roberts was looking for a declarative statement from a representative for the President of the United States. When he did not receive that he became irritated and pressed the issue. As he should. Another example of this comes from Chris Wallace, also of FNC. During the first 2020 presidential debate on September 29th, the entire country watched as moderator Chris Wallace tried desperately to control President Trump’s incessant interruptions. On several occasions the exchange deteriorated to Wallace pleading with the President to stop talking. The job of the moderator is to, well, moderate. Un-surprisingly President Trump’s supporters did not see it this way. As occurred with Shepard Smith, Fox News viewers and Trump supporters immediately called for the resignation of Wallace. Wallace, a long time journalist in DC is also considered by many to be relatively centrist and un-biased. The concerning thing here, again, is how quickly Trump supporters are to completely shun any opinion that differs from their own. Even when that opinion comes from a source they have been historically loyal to. The narrative is always, “Well the libs must have gotten to them with a paycheck.” No one stops to think perhaps these folks perspective is shifting because of current events and the ludicrously unfounded claims on many subjects pushed by the Trump administration. This is however, a two way street. On October 14th Wolf Blitzer of CNN pressed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on her refusal to accept a relief bill for the American people amidst the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pelosi followed her usual style of bullying reporters who ask tough questions, much like President Trump. During one heated point of the interview even accusing Blitzer of being an, “apologist” to the GOP. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find many whom would agree with that assertion. Fortunately Wolf would not back down. At one point all but pleading with her to accept a deal so the American people could ensure food was put on the table. To which Speaker Pelosi replied, “We feed them, we feed them.” Presumably the, “we” she is referring to is the Democratic Party. The same Democratic Party who is refusing compromise with GOP on a bill that seems to worry only about providing the everyday American with some relief. To which Blitzer points out, “perfection cannot be the enemy of good.” The Democratic Party has an excellent opportunity to take the childish banter of President Trump, and contrast it to a calm and collected democratic alternative. Unfortunately, it appears that the democrats are slowly beginning to slip down the slope in to childish partisan back and forth. They have an opportunity to show the American people they can be the bigger people for the benefit of the country. Unfortunately, it does not appear that will be the case.

Exchanges like these between journalists and political figures that their networks normally support is an excellent thing to see. The main beneficiaries of exchanges like these are the American people. If people see a journalist they trust and believe in begin to ask difficult questions instead of lobbing softballs every time they’re given air time with a prominent figure, eventually the people will begin asking the same questions. Instead of immediately turning their cheek to any information that appears negative to their party, maybe they can begin to investigate and draw conclusions based on the whole story, not just clickbait headlines. Journalists being willing to ask the tough questions, even to their preferred political party are few and far between. However, those types of journalists are beginning to become more and more common in this age of utter lunacy. When the dust settles and things begin to calm and slow for the first time in years, we will owe the outcome to the original journalists who had the courage to step up and disagree with the status quo. In some cases, even to their personal detriment. I hope that history remembers the journalists starting these difficult exchanges as friends to the American people, and an invaluable service.

Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash



Mike Valentine
Politically Speaking

Writing political and defense articles. Host of Talking Points Podcast. “Success is never final... failure never fatal. Courage can be the only constant.”