How Conservatives are Trying to Ban Abortion

A look at the abortion wars in a few red states

Caren White
Politically Speaking
4 min readAug 18, 2022


Photo by Lars Blankers on Unsplash

Ever since the Supreme Court overturned the Roe decision, the abortion wars have become absolutely insane. Seriously, you wouldn’t believe the shit that is going on.

Who would have believed that Kansas voters would reject an amendment to their state constitution that would have outlawed abortion? Funny you should ask because two Kansans, Melissa Leavitt, who is one of those election integrity freaks, and Mark Gietzen, who is an anti-abortion activist, didn’t believe it.

Gietzen is footing the bill with his own credit card for a hand recount despite the fact that the amendment was defeated by 165,000 votes, 18% of the votes cast. He is hoping to find evidence of malicious software, inaccurate voter rolls, and voting law violations.

Sounds like he used to work for the Cyber Ninjas.

Over in South Dakota, a recent poll found that residents think that the trigger law that went into effect with the Dobbs decision is too restrictive. I tend to agree. The law makes it a felony punishable by two years in prison and a $4,000 fine to perform an abortion or supply abortion pills to any pregnant woman except to save the life of the mother, with no exceptions for…



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite