How DeSantis Will Beat Trump in the 2024 Primary

…And Trump will refuse to concede, start his own party, split the vote, and wreck the GOP

Dash MacIntyre
Politically Speaking


credit: Gage Skidmore (| via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Imagine this:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis decides to run against Donald Trump for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination because he smells Trump’s political blood in the proverbial water from the plethora of criminal investigations by the Department of Justice, the State of New York, and the state of Georgia, among others.

The Republican National Committee feels compelled to stop paying Trump’s legal fees because he’s not the only candidate in the primary, so the RNC is obligated to be neutral until the GOP primary voters decide who the nominee will be. Trump gets pissed off, and starts spreading rumors that the RNC will rig the primary against him. He once again refuses to support the eventual nominee if he doesn’t win.

Seeing DeSantis jump into the presidential primary, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, and perhaps a handful of others jump in as well, and cite the increasing number of polls showing the majority of Republican voters want to move on from Trump and his excessive controversies and scandals (the latest poll found 55%) to nominate a new standard-bearer for the party without so much…



Dash MacIntyre
Politically Speaking

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.