How Should We Combat Misinformation? With More Misinformation?

There’s lies, damn lies and reviews

Delilah Brass
Politically Speaking
4 min readFeb 7, 2022


Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

Last night I was client hunting on Upwork. During my search, I stumbled across a strange job opening.

The job title read “Write Negative Reviews on Google”.

Image captured by author

This immediately caught my eye.

Why would someone want to pay for negative reviews? I’m familiar with people paying freelancers for positive reviews on their products and services, but I had never heard of anyone asking for negative reviews.

Perhaps a saboteur trying to kill a competitor’s business?


Political misinformation, in the name of stopping misinformation.

What a bloody mess.

The job description explains that they will pay $5 for people to leave five negative reviews for five businesses (one for each).

The rationale of this person is to cancel a country singer named Megan Patrick because of her support for the Freedom Convoy (truck protesters against vaccine mandates). They will do this…



Delilah Brass
Politically Speaking

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill