How to ‘presidentlike a Trump

Step 1. Take Audacity in large doses

Lucy M.
Politically Speaking
2 min readDec 9, 2020


Photo by Jose M. on Unsplash

It’s probably the only time in America’s history that this will ever be allowed to happen again. A moment like this will be rare.

A sitting American president has publicly declared that he is actively looking to overturn an American election if only he gets the ‘support’ he needs.

He has openly tweeted that he is personally calling key State officials giving them one of two options, either to refuse to certify their results or overturn them in his favor.

Guts for lunch anyone?

We watched him go on stage in Georgia the other day claiming that he’d won the state even after coming short three times!

The audacity

‘Vote flipping machines’ — without identifying a single one, is a term only he can concoct.

Without making a single attempt at modesty, he has publicly declared his intentions to undermine the just concluded presidential elections.

Apart from the occasional reporter he scoffs at for trying to ‘ask the hard questions’, he has largely remained unquestioned and unchallenged.

I mean are we shocked? He has done it countless times before, but in a way we thought was no consequence to us.



Lucy M.
Politically Speaking

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.