I Don’t Think You Guys Are Panicky Enough

Stop being so damn selfish

Kathy Copeland Padden
Politically Speaking


Author’s favorite Armageddon friendly t-shirt

Despite the valiant efforts of our mainstream media talking heads and fear porn writers, it seems like some of you are not curled up fetal in a corner babbling incoherently.

Way to ruin the curve, people!

Take a moment to pause and appreciate how hard these entities work to ensure you remain frightened, confused, and unable to fight systemic injustice. It ain’t easy being that single-mindedly committed to your objective. The very least you can do is pee your pants a wee bit.

Do you ever think of anyone aside from yourself?

If you’re not alternating between depression and anxiety every waking moment, you are spitting in the face of every institution dependent upon your fear and resultant submission. How do you expect these brave souls to pay their bills? By reporting the news without bias or producing quality content? You expect an awful lot, don’t you?

Won’t somebody think of the fear-mongers working tirelessly to paralyze you with despair, so you just say screw it and cease caring?

I saw what you did to MSM. I’m going all see something, say something on your ass



Kathy Copeland Padden
Politically Speaking

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!