Is QAnon a Cult and Who is Q?

J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking
8 min readJan 22, 2021


A QAnon flag waved at a Trump rally.
Credit: Anthony CriderQAnon at Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally” — CC BY 2.0

I’m sure you’ve come across the conspiracy peddling movement called QAnon in recent days. How couldn’t you?

Two Republican candidates won a seat in congress heavily based on support from the group; a high school dropout named Lauren Boebert and ‘PizzaGate’ supporting Marjorie Taylor Greene.

At least 12 other Republican members have engaged with them on one level or another.

Trump retweeted ludicrous QAnon theories almost daily until his long-overdue removal from the platform. He did this at least 216 times.

The movement has had a startling rise into the mainstream over the last two years. And now, after Trump’s graceless exit, it’s left a large group of Americans bitter, distrusting, and without an outlet for their anger.

What is QAnon?

For those that don’t know about it, here’s the rundown of the movement.

QAnon is a group of supporters who believe a wholly disproven alt-right conspiracy theory that claims a deep state full of Satan-worshipping pedophiliac cannibals are running a worldwide child sex trafficking ring.

On top of that, the main facet of their theories proposed Donald Trump was the World’s savior against this cabal and would lead to an ultimate day of reckoning referred to as ‘The Storm.’



J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking

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