Collage of tyrants (images from Public Domain)

It Is Not About Stealing the VOTE

They are attempting to steal America

Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩
Politically Speaking
4 min readJul 21, 2021


If that doesn’t make you absolutely livid, then you are one of them. They are not Republicans because true Republicans would never attack an American branch of government. They are not patriots because they fly flags that represent the traitors in our civil war and racists. They are not about evolving the human race because they attack science. They are using the playbook of tyrants working to claw back to when America was an apartheid state.

They are not 21st century Americans because they don’t want to count your vote. The rest of us have evolved and are doing our best to fulfill the words in the Bill of Rights — they are afraid of democracy, a real democratic nation. Democracy will end their privilege and head start in the game of life. They don't trust equality, never have.

It really is that simple.

So what are they? They are insurgents.

They earn this title because they are not willing to follow the rules or spirit of America. They could care less about 244 years of struggle and blood spilled by so many to get here. They can not win fairly, so they are throwing out the Constitution or selectively removing the intent. They are not willing to accept the changes that have occurred. They don't want to acknowledge that America is great already.

This is the last battle, and we must win. We must squash this warped orange movement with an electoral mandate; Democrats, True Republicans, and Independents must stop the orange party of hate.

Are Nazis involved? Absolutely. Are Tyrants from other countries involved? Absolutely. Are media moguls involved? Yes. This is all about storytelling and what resonates in your personal life. They are using every psychological tool to confirm fear and distrust in your fellow countrymen/women. It is time for some emotional intelligence on a mass scale.

Here are the facts

Every human can either be a good person or a horrible person; skin color, where you came from, your sexual preference, gender, choice of superhero or sports team doesn't determine your character.

What you actually do determines your character and each one of us makes that choice.

You call the police on a black person walking in a park; well, that determines your character. You label every person who voted for 45* a racist; that determines your character. You pump a “token” and or stock, knowing it has no value; that determines your character.

Mold your character like you will be judged by something higher than yourself. That is all theology was attempting to do. Of course, it got corrupted, religion, but again that doesn't fall on every person of faith. Atheist or Fundamentalist, we all need to breathe and find the one truth; we survive by one real thing; our relationship to each other. We can make room for each other, or we can destroy this paradise once and for all and make way for the insects.

Further, humans are complicated; a person can be an amazing writer/director and a sexual predator. A person can be for immigration laws and still be humane. A person can want health care and not be a socialist.

We are complicated. That is why the American Constitution works so well. It is an instrument where compromise allows us all to live here; at least, that was the dream. We got so close with Obama, but we forgot about our brothers and sisters in the heartland. We fucked up! They are right to be pissed IMHO.

How did we lose them? So many heartlanders voted for Obama; well, that's another subject matter altogether.

I have a question. What happens if the militia of QAnon Nazi-loving Proud Boy insurgents wins? What will the rulers and tyrants of Russia, North Korea, China, and the Middle East's next move be? They will see a divided nation. Will they strike. You better believe it. America has made many enemies. They are working hard to see us fall.

Divide and conquer- Really consider that.

America is the light only because we are a constitutional democracy where we strive for equality, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. It is time to vote every insurgent out of the House and Senate; Dem or Rep — show the world we are not divided but will right this ship. If you are a Republican, vote for Republicans who denounce this coup attempt- vote for moral, ethical people and hold them accountable.

This writing was inspired by the documentary listed below; you can find it on Netflix; while you watch it, notice how close we are to being ruled.

I provided a Wikipedia link instead of a Netflix link, so the citations are available for you.



Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩
Politically Speaking

Nascent Autodidact - All of my writing is a thought experiment and not to be construed as fact.