Humor, Politics, and Political Satire

Let’s Read Trump’s Next Campaign Speech before It Happens

Since we can predict what he’ll say, this should be easy

Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking
4 min readJun 5, 2021


Isn’t it great that the only people who will watch The Predator in Chief’s campaign speech tonight in front of North Carolina Republicans are North Carolina Republicans?

Ooops, he is losing his Pillow! Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

The rest of us don’t need to. We know how the speech will go. It will look something like this:

“Thanks for being here. It’s tremendous. A record-breaking crowd. It’s like the Super Bowl without the communists.”

(loud applause and cheering)

“How many people are here? A hundred thousand? Two? Of course, the left-wing media will send out doctored photos and videos saying only a few thousand are here, or maybe a few hundred. But we know the fake media can’t keep us down!”

(loud applause and cheering)

“And look at all you patriots. Not one mask!”

(loud applause and cheering)

“In August, when I am re-instated as president, I will ban masks permanently by executive order.”

(loud applause and cheering)



Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille