Let’s Talk About Critical Race Theory

And what we’re really trying to say

Kathy Copeland Padden
Politically Speaking


Yep. That’s all we’ve been taught

First off, let me say I think “critical race theory” is lousy branding, much like “defund the police.” Both terms are somewhat misleading about the end goal. Moreover, they are off-putting to the very people we need to reach, defeating the purpose of hoisting either banner.

We don’t want to lose the chance to achieve critical social gains in a swamp of semantics. So let’s say what we really mean, which is pretty simple. We want a more accurate account of history taught in our schools. That is the goal. If that results in white people, past and present, looking like assholes a lot of the time, well, so be it. We’re tired of our kids being sold a lie about a country and world that didn’t exist.

“Critical race theory” makes the deviled-eggs-at-the-church-social crowd fear their Caucasian asses will be erased. No one is trying to obliterate anyone’s accomplishments; we’re simply asking that the achievements of all people are acknowledged and taught to our children.


We want our kids to learn accurate and inclusive history, not just the skewered white-centric curriculum being taught…



Kathy Copeland Padden
Politically Speaking

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!