National Guard U.S. Army troops stand guard in downtown Washington D.C. streets, after Trump supporters became domestic terrorists, attacking the U.S. Capitol in a plot to capture and assassinate non-Trumpist government officials (coup attempt). | 15 Jan 2021 | Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

Blue Lives Didn’t Matter to MAGA at the Capitol

Trump supporters have already murdered a police officer. Are they willing to do the same to American Troops?

Johnny Silvercloud
Politically Speaking
9 min readJan 16, 2021


In a last-ditch effort to retain presidential power (which prevents Trump from being tried and convicted for his criminal activities), President Trump engaged in stochastic terrorism to initiate electoral suppression, by way of a violent coup, attacking the United States Capitol, in Washington D.C.

This MAGA Nazi (or, MAZI?) coup attempt has resulted in Washington D.C. requesting the utilization of U.S. military forces — the National Guard — to secure and occupy the streets.
And they are now here, on our streets in Washington, D.C.

National Guard U.S. Army troops stand guard in downtown Washington D.C. streets, after Trump supporters became domestic terrorists, attacking the U.S. Capitol in a plot to capture and assassinate non-Trumpist government officials (coup attempt). | 15 Jan 2021 | Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

I remember the feeling; putting on the boots, putting on the baggy pants. I remember the “use of force” briefing. I remember the weapon status briefings. Magazines loaded or not? Weapons slung across chest or on the shoulder? I remember wondering, is there anyone here not taking this seriously? I remember looking around, scanning the room for scared or confused faces.



Johnny Silvercloud
Politically Speaking

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.