My Constitution Clearly Says Trump Won

It’s right there in black ink

Marc Kassam
Politically Speaking
1 min readDec 23, 2020


Real photo of the real US constitution. I swear.

Hidden away in my night table is my copy of the United States Constitution. I pray over it every night and know every word by heart. It clearly says:

“We the People of the United States… Elected Trump”

The Founders knew exactly how Democrats would try to steal this election and thus made it crystal clear over 200 years ago that President Trump is the clear victor of the 2020 election.

Yes, it may look like a sharpie, but I assure you, this is clearly the authentic writing of the men who built our country. It is written right there clear as day for anyone to read.

So anyone claiming Biden won is going against our constitution and is committing treason. In fact, anyone who says anything I disagree with is likely committing treason as I’m sure I can find something in the aforementioned document against it. Words just appear there sometimes — words that have been there all along mind you — words that always prove me right, regardless.

So if you want to argue with me, take it up with the constitution!

