No Question About Trump’s Future

It is the same as his past

Margo Armstrong
Politically Speaking
3 min readMar 14, 2021


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

For those of you concerned about what con game Trump is dreaming up for your future, relax. The odds are good that it won’t affect you unless you want to play. There are too many game pieces in government work to control even at the highest level. Plus, the competition was fierce as Trump found out; each department head and congress member had their own con game working.

Another factor that Trump found unappealing, you must show up to play. You can’t just walk away when it stops being fun or control your environment by throwing money at it. And, darn it, all those video cameras and Secret Service agents are everywhere.

Just too many balls in the air at one time for a mind that is far from the genius category. Another factor about government work I am sure Trump found distressing: being the victim of someone else’s con game. This happened daily in the White House, his only escape being golf and tweeting.

All the jokes behind his back, being the least educated person in the room, must have been humiliating. He fought back daily by responding the only way he knew how, tweeting revenge. Perhaps he eventually figured out how to use the voice to text option on his iPhone.

In the beginning of Trump’s first con game in the political arena, his goal was brand-building. The Trump properties (another one of his bad investments) were sinking. Trump did not gear up for a real political run. Because of his con man reputation, there were no PACs, public relations teams, or politicians lined up to fund his campaign. Not expecting to win, he planned to take his fame generated from rallies and other opportunities and walk away. The results expected were more real estate branding opportunities to fill his coffers, not unlike The Apprentice windfall.

Actually winning the presidential race was never discussed according to his personal attorney, Michael Cohen. “Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great. He had no desire or intention to lead this nation — only to market himself and to build his wealth and power. Mr. Trump would often say, this campaign was going to be the `greatest infomercial in political history.’ He never expected to win the primary. He never expected to win the general election. The campaign — for him — was always a marketing opportunity.”

The results of the 2016 election may have been a surprise to Donald, but I was floored to find out that nearly half of the voting population of the United States fell for his con. With this realization, Trump started developing his next con, step-by-step. Election Fraud started way back in May of 2017 by signing an executive order creating the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. In the profession, I believe this is called the “long con.”

The election fraud con fell into place easily, with more to follow. Taking his new national leader status, as planned, he started his next con, bilking his followers, that continued the flow of nickels and dimes building into millions of dollars. This is making Trump rich again as he continues to follow his only goal, as illuminated by his attorney, creating wealth and power.

Being his usual transparent self, he announced that since the Republicans no longer offered a pathway to riches, he was on his own. Please send all contributions to his own Save America fund, no strings attached. To make his point crystal clear, Trump prohibited anyone from using his brand to promote their own cause.

Trump has only a few paths to take from here. He can create his own political party; nope, too much work to plan and execute that con, plus he might get injured before he could exit. He can hustle a job with Fox Network; nope, too much work, and he must show up for the cameras on their schedule. He can leave the country and run his con in another part of the world; possible, but his real estate investments and court cases are a big anchor right now. Wow, it is not looking good for Donald J. Trump. The drama continues, stay tuned.

Also read The Trump Cult: What Binds Them Together.



Margo Armstrong
Politically Speaking

As a high-tech writer/researcher, Margo Armstrong is an author that also blogs and podcasts from her motorhome.