Now There Is No Doubt Who Trump Is

Even if there was, there isn’t any more

Tom Stevenson
Politically Speaking


Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash

The scenes yesterday in the American capital were something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. Protestors storming Congress at the behest of a charlatan who cannot accept that he lost an election.

Had these scenes occurred in any other country, we’d rightly label it as a ‘failed state.’ Yet, it happened in the world’s most powerful democracy.

Interrupting the democratic process because hardcore supporters objected to the result of the election is something you’d expect to see in countries that were labelled as ‘shithole countries’ by Trump. Now, Trump’s arrogance and bravado have come home to roost.

Let’s be clear about what this was. An attempt by a minority of people to overturn a legitimate democratic result. Trump has had close to two months to present legal challenges which back up his claims of electoral fraud.

Apart from a solitary success, all of his lawsuits have been bounced out of court. The unedifying sight of the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, giving a press conference outside of Four Seasons Total Landscaping instead of the Four Seasons hotel sums up the absurdity of Trump’s desperation.

