Please Stop Calling Kamala Harris a Socialist

Alice Goldbloom
Politically Speaking
3 min readOct 29, 2020


Photo in the public domain

Dear America

It’s me again, the Canadian. While I think America is something Americans have to fix, sometimes I can’t help myself, and I have to say something. Believe me, I would rather be thinking and writing about my dog or my Pinterest account.

President Trump keeps calling Kamala Harris a socialist. Yesterday in Lansing, Michigan, he mused if Joe Biden were elected President and ‘shot’ — his word — he is musing about an assassination — then the USA would have a socialist President, Kamala Harris. Trump said she makes Bernie Sanders look like a serious conservative in comparison.

I watched CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday evening, along with millions of Americans. Of course, we all tuned in to see how they would treat the segment with Trump after he walked out on the interviewer, Leslie Strahl. I think 60 Minutes treated him fairly, given the circumstances. What surprised me though, was when Norah O’Donnell, interviewing Kamala Harris, asked her if she would bring a “socialist or progressive perspective” to the White House.

Democrats — from the progressive Bernie Sanders end of the spectrum to more moderates in the centre — are not socialists. I want to scream every time I hear Kamala Harris or the Democrats referred to as socialists.



Alice Goldbloom
Politically Speaking

Woman of a certain age. On a good day I am 12 feet tall. Join me on Substack @ A Considerable Age.