Politically Speaking Is Now Inactive

The publication will not be publishing new work or accepting new writers

Scott Tarlo
Politically Speaking


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The Sad Announcement

It is with profound sadness that I have decided to make Politically Speaking inactive. This simply means that the publication will no longer be publishing new articles nor will it be accepting new writers. Any articles that have been published here will remain part of the publication. Nothing will be deleted.

I have been honored and privileged to have worked with every one of you. You all bought into my desire to develop a high-quality publication dedicated to creating a space for individuals to practice writing, share their thoughts, and have honest conversations about politics and societal issues.

I am confident when I say that not only did we create the space, but we thrived! This publication grew from 1,500 followers to 7,500 at the last count over the course of two years. I did not actively market this publication. All of you found Politically Speaking, and many of you found a home.

This is bittersweet on so many levels. The people that I have met here have been amazing! I have gotten to know many of you pretty well, both through your writing and direct communication via email. I value the friendships I have made and am…



Scott Tarlo
Politically Speaking

Musings from the crossroads of life. Editor-in Chief and owner of Politically Speaking. Contact at musingsfromthecrossroads@gmail.com