Woman standing in front of a blackboard with equations, below a human figure is falling through a hole into the abyss. The words “Progress or the Abyss” are in the center.
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Progressive Americans vs. Antebellum Americans

The fight to win over simple minds

Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩
11 min readMar 22, 2022


It's valid to group a particular cohort of Americans as Simple Minds. With that statement, I will say there is nothing wrong with simplicity, and simple minds are not always simpletons. There is a difference. It is soothing to have simple answers, but dangers are inherent when this kind of cohort forms a mob or majority. Further, simplicity can be destructive when it is applied to planning social progress. The simple answers have all been tried. If we have a chance to maintain an organized society, we need wise, disciplined, and highly educated humans working to meet the challenges ahead.

Antebellum Americans, the true villains of equality, are now in control of the simple minds.

We can debate and argue all day about "progress," and every human will define it differently. Hence, simplicity only works in the compromises needed for social policy. Over the last few years, I have been perplexed at how many have embraced a battle cry paramount to "Our best future…is in the past." I think that is a clear definition of retreat and not progress.

Attracting simple minds with witty, memorable one-liners is the weapon of choice for deficient leaders attempting to build a demigod brand. The tactic is highly effective with those not interested in seeking context or truth, and it works doubly well with humans just looking to blame others for their troubles. Pre-social media would take years and an incredible amount of money to accomplish such behavior modification. Social media ads can be done with a moderate or zero budget if network effects kick in.

Demigods with this knowledge of human behavior will craft targeted messages with just the right balance of a cohort's core beliefs. Crafty architects of such statements sprinkle some truth with an anchor, the trap. Once the message has found its sweet spot, it goes viral, wreaking havoc and behavioral change, as intended, on the minds targeted. Freethinkers will question and slip through the trap. Freethinkers need citations and origins of narratives. Freethinkers need to know who is speaking and if they are credible or just bots & propaganda puppets.

Next, sharing the message begins; feeling emboldened, people will engage with other like-minded humans, confirming behavior. We all love a good "tribe"; it feels safe, and what better way to feel part of a tribe or community than sharing the same message, even if it's inaccurate? What harm could it do?

Let us remember the conspiracy theory cohort. Conspiracy theories tend to be believed by predominantly simple minds, those unwilling to do the hard work of research (googling something is not research). What scares me the most is that the "conspiracy" cohort is expanding and crossing over into our political communities' hard Left and Right. If you remove the racist element, the hard Left and Right are surprisingly similar. I have seen the two cohorts start agreeing on subjects in the conspiracy realm; there may be an opportunity to ease the divide. These people accept what sounds possible over probable and become prey for the "snake oil salespeople" that propagate these fairy tales.

I have been caught up in conspiracies; I am not immune to simple thinking. Some amusing and entertaining conspiracy theories are circulating in the human narrative, but I don't consider them in my decision-making process. That would be crazy, right? Either way, the rise of conspiracy theorists like the "Flat Earth" people should have been a social warning humans were heading into dangerous waters.

Now, we come to the stage where convergence happens, and a cult "die-hard" community forms. I would guess it occurs when the "feedback" loop of people you respect starts mimicking your ideas. Psychologists tell us that confirmation bias occurs when we have invested time in our beliefs and will not accept divergent views simply because that would mean we have wasted our time. In Antebellum America, wasting time to "think" is the third rail of their politics. The mantra of that community is that everything is an alternative fact; "Don't look at us, look over there, no really look over there." As the message circulates and is quoted, it is falsely cited as factual. It is addicting, and one hundred percent human- storytelling, that is.

Storytelling will eventually destroy homo sapiens. After what I saw these last two years, it will likely occur in the next Pandemic, with an R-naught of 8 or worse. (5.7 was COVID-19)

Storytelling is everywhere in human culture, and no group is immune. No group wants to be immune. Everyone uses it to "round up" a "herd" and point it at some target. Sometimes with good causes and sometimes with dark desires embedded. We must become more emotionally intelligent in the digital age. For the last twenty years, the Antebellums have targeted the "left or liberal progressive" with a one-package-fits-all approach.

Note: Left is not equal to Liberal, contrary to what the Right would have you believe.

If the Antebellum Americans steal our democracy, they aren't giving it back.

I had to make my point about the simple mind cohort before defining what I feel is the real enemy of progressives- Antebellum Americans. These are the true villains of equality, and now that they cannot fool us or hide their real intentions any longer, they are working to end our fragile democratic society.

“Better to be Russian than a Democrat”- a Trumpism

For humans to have a chance at what is coming, we need only our best minds working to solve the problems. This has always been true, and I am not sure why anyone would disagree unless they are simpletons.

“Trump is full of Bull…but I’ll still vote for him” -William Barr p.p (3/9/22 circa)

How can Progressive Americans combat "minds" like that of Barr? How can we find a path away from this abyss into the antebellum past?

I suggest progressives in every political party participate in the vote regardless of difficulty. Overwhelm the system with a progressive vote, so the damage inflicted by the Trump-GOP is neutralized. We need to use our intellect and consider that the GOP may be purging their voters along with us progressives, which may be another opportunity.

I have no confidence in the Right's ability to use intellect; look how they weaponized COVID-19 and then killed so many of their voters. It stands to reason they are destroying their electorate in the voter purge. We may see a change if we forge ahead, be persistent, and vote for progressive candidates. If not, be prepared for an America similar to Putin's Moscow of 2022.

Putin is their new “white race” champion. Fun fact look up the etymology of the word “Caucasian”, where it was rooted; that's right eastern Europe.

March 2022, a vote for the GOP is a vote for Putin as the puppet master.

The simple minds are the mob, but the more nefarious group, the underbelly of our country, are the Antebellum Americans. They have always been there, never left, and never ceased operations. They are the ones who now control "the simple minds." They are weaponizing hypocrisy and using terms like "alternative facts" and all the propaganda tactics a mob reacts to so well.

Social media has allowed everyone to weigh in with equal weight to shape our fragile human narrative. Some say it is good that people are more connected, but I wonder if the cost was worth it. I mainly see and feel a great divide that I doubt will ever heal. It's not the sole fault of social media; we have to check our own "psychologies," but how could we have expected a good outcome with what we know about the gullible nature of humans?

A better question is, why do we allow opinion to guide our decisions? Why do humans with no credentials or autodidact discipline have such an impact on us?

While we ponder that, another good question is, why have we let neo-liberal leaders fail us repeatedly? I have my thoughts on this; you can read them by clicking this link if you so desire.

Neo-liberals abandoned labor and never addressed the antebellum underbelly of this country; they supported it. It seems reasonable to ask these questions if we are true free-thinking progressives. As we point the finger at the antebellum, we have to look to our leaders. For the most part, I have witnessed that neo-liberals support the same caste system as the antebellum; maybe not outright slavery, but indeed a caste system. Do you agree?

If you are not preparing for an Authoritarian reaction to progress, you had better get started.

Today, a good question is how do we identify these simple minds and distinguish them from the antebellum?

The violence will come from the simple minds because the antebellum will, as they always do, coward away in some dark place until the damage is done. Sure, some are right in your face, and there are cross-overs in both cohorts, but I am talking about the ones you don't see coming. We must be vigilant and not fall into a false sense that some government authority will protect us. As we have seen in Oregon, many law enforcement agencies are ready to take the "stormtrooping" to the next level. How do we identify them? The January 6th Capitol Hill coup attempt and footage show us how to recognize them.

The people with signs chanting with all the Trump merchandise are, for the most part, "the simple minds" though not all; some are clear in their intent and transparent in their vision of the America they want — they are not simple minds, just racists. They want some form of American Apartheid.

The people in military regalia, the ones with cable ties, urban tactical attire, and weapons, are the enforcers of the antebellum.

Finally, the Antebellum are the ones you can't see, tweeting and instigating violence while safely secured from such treasonous acts. They are the cowards of this movement.

The Antebellum will sacrifice the enforcers (as so demonstrated) and do not care about the simple minds in the group. These people, unfortunately, know this, but their fight is not about protecting the Antebellum; it's about staying just one step ahead of the caste below them. That is the true antebellum strength; they know no matter how bizarre or crude they are, the simple minds are motivated by their hate and not them. It is just entertainment for the simple minds to have leaders talking openly about what they feel—no more hiding.

It is about knowing if they attack the Capitol, no one will fire bullets at them- contrary to the outcome if people of color perpetrated the same treason.

Today, we witness the rise of "the simple minds" worldwide as a power cohort. Here in America, "simple minds" have been weaponized to propagate fear in progress.

  • Equal rights
  • Sensible gun regulations
  • Universal healthcare
  • Comprehensive immigration
  • Acknowledging Climate Change as reality, then doing something
  • Acknowledgment of the true origin story of America: Slavery, Indigenous Native Genocide, Inhumane acts such as killing most of the buffalo as a tactic of said genocide and grand theft from a nation state-Mexico. All truth we should atone for.

These are just a few constructs, ideas, and knowledge that would move us forward in America. If these were adopted or nationally acknowledged, it would finally bring to fortition our promise to the world: that we are worthy and that America is steadfast in its vision. It would also mean we would be stepping into an egalitarian society, and the Antebellum would not have it; it's not in their DNA.

An excellent place to start healing would be for Americans to acknowledge that "she" was founded on acts of cruelty and horrors.

America was stolen, but no different than the rest of how humans conquered each other's lands in history. So why are the simple minds so afraid of bringing to light the truth of our nation? Why not embrace it, acknowledge it, make amends, proclaim the real sacrifices of all the struggles, and move on in progress together? I have no idea other than fear of losing their place in the caste system and having to compete equally, I guess.

Some may read this and immediately think I am targeting Republicans or European Caucasians; I am not. Simple minds are in every political group and culture, and it is not a group we can afford to let rule this world in any form any longer. We are running out of time, humans, that is.

A good takeaway is that “Simple Minds” in a mob are dangerous, but the “Antebellum Americans” are lethal.

This divide between us is not political; it is cultural — one cohort believes America's future can only live in the past, with all the horrors and caste privileges of that past. They want it to be acceptable again to tell women to shut up and get coffee, tell people of color they are 2/3rds human, call some of us "dirty rapists." They want to continue incarcerating as many people of color as possible using misdemeanors as a tactic.

The other cohort wants to acknowledge the mistakes made in our past and embrace a better way — progressives wish to evolve to be worthy of our potential.

I was perplexed that so many of these simple minds and antebellums opposed the theory of evolution, and then, in an epiphany, it made perfect sense. Progress is evolution, and their leaders cannot have humans evolving. Progressing beyond the structure of "Kings and Servants" or "Elites and labor" cannot happen in their vacuum. They need labor to accept that this is the natural order of humans, the caste— they cannot have the mob question God's will or some manifest destiny. What silly vertebrate creatures we are.

What is the future this author sees as a possible solution — let's try Social Capitalism

In all reality, we're already in the shadow of social capitalism and pay for it: subsidies for oil companies, big pharma, farming, transportation, and, of course, the most extensive handout, the military-industrial complex, are already in place. Before the NSA reads this and sends Jason Bourne to my house, I am good with a strong military in this greedy monkey world. I am not blind to the enemies we have made through all our justified and unjustified actions abroad. We live in violence; it's just how greedy monkeys have chosen to live, so we need a strong military.

Social Capitalism already exists; it just is not distributed equally. Imagine that. The fight that Antebellum Americans see as important is not that they don't want social capitalism or "handout" programs. Yes, they want "handouts," as they label them, and social programs, but only for them. The rest of us are "lazy" and not "true" Americans. Never mind how much we bleed, pay taxes, or struggle alongside them; we will never be, in their minds, equal.

Antebellum Americans are fine with handouts as long as they are the only ones who get them.

So here we are, once more having to fight the hate of the southern pre-civil war Americans, which is the definition of Antebellum. I have expanded its definition slightly to truly understand where the fight is and what cohort we must pivot to and try to change hearts and minds.

Knowing who our foe is, hint, it is not all Republicans. Acknowledging that not all Democrats are progressives either — maybe with this knowledge, we can vote in young progressive Democrats, Lincoln Republicans, and Independents. Leaders who are more intelligent than us, more disciplined, dedicated to democracy, and genuinely want an egalitarian society.

Whether like it or not, it is time to take sides, humans and companies. Not a political side. We must pick a side to progress or regress together.

Homo sapiens survive by the stories we tell and accept as accurate. The only thing that can save us is what story we want to live by, now and in the future.

The Antebellum Story or an American Story of Progress.



Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩

All of my writing is a thought experiment and never to be construed as fact 🌱🧩🕊️