Protests Should be Peaceful

If we want to save our democracy, we must all demand peace

Brian Tubbs
Politically Speaking


On January 6, 2021, an angry mob overwhelmed police barricades and stormed the United States Capitol, touching off the evacuation of Members of Congress, multiple armed confrontations, theft, vandalism, and (most tragically) five deaths.

As of this writing, investigations and arrests continue, and for his role in firing up the crowd before the riot, the President of the United States has been impeached.

While some have shamefully defended or (just as bad) grossly downplayed this low point in American history, the fact is that a crowd of protesters chose to eschew peace and instead resorted to violence, threats, intimidation, and criminal behavior to advance their cause.

They broke through barricades, assaulted police officers and reporters, erected a gallows, chanted “Hang Mike Pence,” and vandalized and looted offices (including that of the Speaker of the House). Improvised explosive devices were found on the grounds of the Capitol as well as at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee. Some of the rioters had zip ties, leading some to suspect that their intentions included capturing and kidnapping Members of Congress.

