Proud Boys Militia Lawyer Goes AWOL

Just who is John Pierce and why should we care?

Kenneth Lee Warner
Politically Speaking


John Pierce is the lawyer for Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who is apparently defending them and dozens of other militia members against accusations relating to the January 6th insurrection at the nation’s capital.

Public Domain Image: Capture and burning of Washington by the British, in 1814, Library of Congress

Or at least, he was.

It seems that sometime early last week he stopped showing up for court appearances and did a disappearing act that would make Houdini look like an amateur illusionist.

In response, various spokespersons, themselves of questionable stature, have simultaneously suggested that he has been hospitalized for COVID and on a ventilator, has been in a car accident, or is under doctor’s care for exhaustion and dehydration.

Sounds like he’s all wet to me.

His disappearance may actually be a plus for the militia groups as his legal expertise may not be the best to begin with. In his pursuit of arguments as to support his clients’ innocence he has suggested that he will:

· Subpoena House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other “hostile witnesses”

· Demand specific information about every police officer on duty on Jan. 6

· Require the government supply him with video in the days and weeks surrounding the attack.

All of which seems somewhat impossible to fulfill. He also says he’s going to show how the F.B.I. was at the bottom of the riot in a giant conspiracy with the rest of the intelligence community.

So much for standing shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement.

Makes you wonder if he got his law degree from Trump University. This guy tells so many lies and makes outrageous statements that makes Rudy Giuliani look he was on truth serum.

In a recent description of himself Pierce said he’s “Like Gerard Butler in ‘300’”, a movie about a Greek Spartan King who with 300 soldiers held off 100,000 Persian warriors at Thermopylae. Not sure he got his historical metaphor correct. The 300 Greeks lost in the end.

In Pierce’s absence, he’s been replaced by an Associate at Pierce’s law firm, Ryan Joseph Marshall.

Marshall showed up in court to stand in for his boss and has been equally outrageous, making motions, legal arguments and requests to the court that appear to be … well, possibly illegal. Fact is, he’s not actually a lawyer, and not likely to ever be one as he is currently under indictment in the State of Pennsylvania for corruption, fraud and theft.

In the end, should we even care about this guy? It’s just another chapter in the world of bizarro that we have come to live in.

You just can’t make this shit up.



Kenneth Lee Warner
Politically Speaking

Writer, Sailor, Community Activist, Political Strategist and Recovering Cellar Rat. Living, Loving Life and Working for Peace on the North Coast of America