Quotes From the DarkSide of the Farce- The Devil’s in the Details

The first in a planned series of DarkSide quotes, inspired in part by Mitch McConnell, who fancies himself as The Grim Reaper

Gippolito Ndp
Politically Speaking


Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

Ponder if you will this short exchange between Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on June 10th:

HEMMER: Will you welcome the former president’s involvement in the midterm?

MCCONNELL: Well, he has his own agenda. And my view is, we’re going to focus on this administration and the future, what they’re trying to do to the country and make it a referendum in the fall of ’22 on how people feel about this new government they narrowly elected while they continue the 50–50 Senate and a close score over in the House.

Egads, there’s a lot to unpack there. First, though, note the demanding interviewer — from Fox News. When it comes to Republican antics, Faux News is the half-drunk softball pitcher who lobs the slowest and easy-to-hit pitches — but only to his own side, during practice, ensuring a skewed view of skill and ability for the partisan watchers.

But, let’s break it down a little from there:

  • Trump’s involvement in the mid-term. I am not aware of Trump running for a…



Gippolito Ndp
Politically Speaking

Dad, G-dad, veteran, semi-retired lawyer, archaeologist, writer