Repentance as Part of Special Information Operation

Why do Russians lie even when they tell the truth?

Serhii Onkov
Politically Speaking
5 min readApr 7, 2022


Source: by Utkarsh Chaturvedi

Since February 24, when Russia had started the full-scale war in Ukraine, Russian media and info space were subjected to hard pressure. Prohibition to call the war “war,” criminal liability for the most miniature critique of authorities or armed forces — in that situation, a big part of the media had to close or suspend their activities. Only pro-government and propagandist media remained the source of information for the whole country.

On March 14, during the evening news on Russian Channel One (one of the biggest propaganda bullhorns), a woman abruptly appeared behind the news anchor. She was holding a poster with the text “No war /stop the war, don’t believe in propaganda, here they’re lying you — on Russian language/ Russians against war.” She appeared to be Marina Ovsiannikova, the full-time editor on Channel One.

Of course, after this, she was fined and released from work. But instead of it, she gained global popularity as a fighter for freedom of speech in totalitarian Russia. Some European public figures paid attention to the brave woman, including France president Macron. She gave a series of interviews in which she condemned the war and Putin as the main culprit. You can think about this all, what nobility!

Now I’ll tell you why it is a lie and a part of supporting this war.

Light punishment

Ovsiannikova lost her work and got a fine of 30,000 rubles ($280 at the current official course and much less at the factual one). It is disproportionate punishment compared to the suffering of real protesters who were tortured in police stations and got real prison terms for reposting on social networks. To be arrested, it’s enough to stand on the street with a blank poster or with the text “*** *****” (it’s possible to decrypt as “Нет войне” words which mean “No war” in Russian). The real case was when the teenagers got prison terms because they planned to blow up a police station… in a computer game. I don’t know whether Ovsiannikova’s first action was her own or managed by special services, but all the next could happen only with their approval. Otherwise, she would never come out of their torture chambers.

The show was for external consumer

Just after the incident, a few videos caught on smartphones appeared on the Internet. Their authors started recording from the first seconds of Ovsiannikova’s appearance on the screen. Do you often record TV in your room while watching an ordinary news show? They were waiting for this incident. Also, note that “live” shows in Russia have about 3 minutes delay. And this is not to mention that the country has 11 time zones.

YouTube screen grab

The main goal was in her next steps

The general idea of the next Ovsiannikova’s interviews and speeches was pretty straightforward: the only guilty person is Putin, not other Russians. Putin is evil, ordinary Russians are good and suffer for nothing. Let’s cancel sanctions. And that is the crucial moment. All her efforts are directed to create an image of good and innocent ordinary Russians and cancel sanctions because of this fact. But most Russians are guilty in this war, no less than Putin.


The main part of Russians support the “special operation” (how they cowardly name this war). A month ago, this fraction was about 71% of respondents, and it continues to grow. Furthermore, according to recent polls, 87% of Russians support a further invasion of the neighboring NATO and EU countries in case of success in Ukraine, with Poland in the first place. They are aware of and support the crimes of their leader. They agree to endure hardships only to help their military machine occupy and make genocide in Ukraine.

That’s why sanctions are fair. They add discomfort to the lives of Russian citizens, but it’s the least answer for their fascist position. Their discomfort is disproportionate to the awful losses of Ukrainians in cities affected by hostilities. In the interviews, Ovsiannikova says her mom can’t buy foreign drugs, and her daughter can’t pay with a virtual card in a school dining room. Not a big problem while at the exact moment persons coeval of her daughter are dying under the rubble of a house destroyed by Russian rockets. And while people in the center of Europe are dying of starvation and dehydration because their cities are blocked by modern Russian Nazis who dare to declare themselves as “denazification.”

Four Russian hockey teams lined up in the Z letter, which became the main symbol of supporting Russian aggression. Source: Uncredited image

For the same reason, even a ban on Russian sport and culture is fair too. Athletes and cultural figures appeal that sport and culture are outside politics, and at the same moment, make all to show their support for Putin and the new Z swastika symbol.

Burned Russian vehicle with stolen washing machines near Kyiv. Source: Telegram

And the last. Many people try to justify Russian militaries in Ukraine; supposedly, they should obey orders. But in released cities and villages, the world finally could see the scale of atrocities against civilians. And in any case, violence and looting are conscious choices but not a result of headquarters orders. Also, you can imagine the moral level of the wives of these soldiers who would agree to accept as gifts jewelry, household appliances, and other things which were stolen in possibly killed civil Ukrainians. (Looting and killing could have tacit permission from the headquarters, but it’s an entirely different story). In this article, I’ve tried to convey a simpler opinion: don’t believe Russians even when they’re trying to look like good, naive people.

