
Republicans are Trying to Sabotage Biden’s “Help is Here” Tour

The only way to justify their “no” votes is by lying

Caren White
Politically Speaking
5 min readMar 20, 2021


Photo by Abubakar Balogun on Unsplash

Thanks to the lessons he learned as vice president to Obama, President Biden has hit the road on what he is calling a “Help is Here” tour of the nation. He has enlisted the help of VP Harris, the First Lady and Second Gentleman and his cabinet.

What lessons did he learn? The biggest one was not to knuckle under to Republican demands for a smaller relief package. Most economists agree that the 2009 relief package was much too small and unnecessarily prolonged the recession by years.

Obama refused to tour the nation to talk about the relief package because he was uncomfortable with “taking a victory lap.” As a result, the Republicans took control of the message resulting in 75% of Americans in 2010 believing that half of the stimulus money had been wasted, an untrue assertion.

Biden doesn’t want to make those same mistakes. He refused to budge on the size of his bailout package in the name of bipartisanship and passed the bill with minor changes without a single Republican vote. And now he is off on his tour to make sure that Americans understand what is in the package and how it will help them.



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite