
Republicans Gave Trump an Award

Even presidents get participation trophies

Caren White
Politically Speaking
4 min readApr 13, 2021


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

I’ve resisted the temptation to write about the spring Republican donor retreat that took place over the weekend of April 9 and 10. It’s been hard because Trump made such a fool of himself that it just begged to be written about.

But I held off, delving into other important topics like gun control and immigration. You know, stuff that we should care about instead of Trump’s antics.

It was when they gave Trump an award and tweeted that photo of him holding the little silver bowl with a creepy grin on his face that I lost all self-control.

My apologies in advance.

The Republicans are trying desperately to hold on to Trump’s supporters by placating him. They have demeaned themselves to the point where they are treating Trump like a combination of mob boss and feral animal that may turn on them at any time.

Case in point, the recent donor retreat held at the Four Seasons resort in Palm Beach, Florida. The highpoint of the retreat was a speech by Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club.

Here’s where the mob boss part comes in. The Republicans had to rent Trump’s private club so that he would make a speech to their donors. In other words, they…



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite