Revolution Vs Insurrection

Why we need one but not the other

Douglas Perkins
Politically Speaking


What’s the difference? (Wikipedia and Reuters)


Thomas Jefferson wrote,

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”

What did he mean by “rebellion”? Did he mean Revolution or Insurrection?

Let’s look at the meaning of these two very different words. Revolution implies political upheaval in a government and characterized by great change. It means protest to bring about change.

Insurrection refers to organized opposition to authority or a mutiny. It implies fighting which results often in bloodshed to take away control. It means control over others.

Revolution comes from the Latin “revolutio”, meaning “a turn around”.

Insurrection comes from “insurgere”, meaning “to rise against”.

I posit that Jefferson meant revolution and protest, resulting in change. He did not mean insurrection through armed revolt.


What were the circumstances in which he wrote this? This was written in a letter to his friend, James Madison, in January 1787. Jefferson was in France but had read about the situation in America. Madison was serving…

