
Sean Hannity Just Exposed Donald Trump

Sean Hannity just did more to reveal the real Donald Trump than all those prosecutors.

Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking
3 min readJan 22, 2022


Many of us have been saying since the Predator in Chief won the Republican nomination that he suffers from a mental illness beyond the obvious megalomania and narcissism.

Case in point: If you compare his discussions with Howard Stern back when the Orange Crotch Grabber was lucid with free form discussions shortly after his nomination, the difference in his ability to carry on a conversation was stark.

His talks with Stern showed that America’s most prolific scofflaw was a cad, but he was nevertheless able to carry on a conversation.

If you listened to many of his free-form, unscripted conversations after the election, he often simply didn’t make any sense. I’m not talking about the blatant lies and his attempts to change Obama’s citizenship.

What I mean here is that he simply could not maintain the thread of a conversation for more than a paragraph or two before he’d get lost in some deluded diversion.

How can someone, I wondered, who can’t carry on a coherent conversation, be elected president?

This was the chief reason I was so shocked by his victory in the general election. And, sorry Hillary fans, but she was the only Democrat who could possibly have lost that election (anybody want a rerun?).



Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille