Social Programs Aren’t an Entitlement

They are simply fair return for the taxes we pay

Adeetee Bhide
Politically Speaking


Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

Imagine going into a fast-food restaurant, placing your order, and handing over your hard-earned bills, only to be told that they wouldn’t give you the food you ordered because they didn’t want to support an “entitlement mentality”. You would be furious, right? How is it entitlement when you paid for the food? What are they going to use your money for, if not to feed you?

Although the above situation seems absurd, that is exactly how our government treats us. The government is funded using our hard-earned tax dollars; our senators aren’t mining coal to fund the government. Even when the government borrows money, it is still our tax dollars that are paying the interest. And yet, whenever we suggest spending the government’s money on social programs to improve the lives of citizens, some of our elected representatives whine about creating an “entitlement mentality”. For example, Joe Manchin said that the Build Back Better Act may would be “changing our whole society to an entitlement mentality”.

Now, of course, some may argue that all residents don’t pay equal taxes, and the legislation could help those who are too lazy to work. But, let’s take a look at some of the proposed benefits. One is paid time off…by definition, anyone who benefits from it is…



Adeetee Bhide
Politically Speaking

I’m currently living out my childhood dream of being an author on Medium. I write about whatever catches my fancy…mainly politics, social justice, and TV shows.