Someone, Anyone — Stand Up!

Who will have the courage to protest Putin’s biggest fanboy on Fox News?

Kirk Swearingen
Politically Speaking
5 min readMar 19, 2022


Editor-producer Marina Ovsyannikova holds protest sign behind female anchor on Russian state television news program on Channel One.
Marina Ovsyannikova’s moment of truth on Channel One (screen capture)

Recently, the world watched, with a mixture of astonishment, delight, and concern, as an employee of Russian state television Channel One interrupted the evening news program by coming onto the set, shouting “Stop the war! No to war!” while holding up a large handmade sign that said Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.

News editor/producer Marina Ovsyannikova rushed out behind a female anchor (reportedly Putin’s favorite), who was presenting the national state-sanctioned “news,” with a sign decrying the lies being told there about Putin’s terror war against Ukraine.

She also released a pre-recorded video, in which she opens with “What is happening right now in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor. And the responsibility for this aggression lies on the conscience of only one person. This man is Vladimir Putin.” She then notes that her father is Ukrainian and her mother is Russian and calls what Putin is doing a “fratricidal war.”

She movingly calls on her fellow Russians to follow her, to stand up for what is right. And many have already been doing just that.

For her courageous act, Ovsyannikova said she spent 14 hours being interrogated and has been fined. She faces an unknown fate — almost certainly many years in a Putin prison.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy praised her for the brave act of defiance, for telling the truth in the face of Putin’s demand that his war against Ukraine be called a “special military operation” in support of Ukraine.

My question is, who will stand up for journalistic integrity here at home behind Fox News Channel’s most vocal Putin cheerleader, Tucker Carlson? It immediately became a meme, but who will actually do it?

You know, Master Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, pretend populist, who grew up rich because members of the actual proletariat were eating his step-mother’s TV dinners; Tucker-of-the-Inevitable-Bowtie Carlson, who somehow manages to get U.S. males whipped up by strategically fretting about men being emasculated; Tucker of the Perpetually-Confused-Expression, who happily weaponizes stupidity; the Fox News “host” who, with a lot of competition among his colleagues, has stepped up as Putin’s number one apologist in the United States — so much so, that the Kremlin has noted how important it is for their propaganda efforts to showcase Carlson’s work as often as possible.

I planned to give some examples of Carlson’s fawning for Putin, but where does one begin? So many times has Tucker lavished praise on Putin or attempted to undermine Putin’s critics that he is being called the “TuckyoRose” of his generation, and some call for him to be investigated by the Department of Justice.

A recent personal favorite of mine was his whining, dexterous double-pandering of “Has Putin ever called me a racist?” (Hmm. That he was whining may mean that it was actually a triple pander. Let’s enumerate: one, to his main man, Vlad; two, to white supremacists in his viewership; three, to the generally aggrieved viewership of Fox nation, for whom whining — especially by white men — elicits a Pavlovian response.)

Speaking of which, suffice it to say that when it comes to all things Vladimir, Tucker — much like the former president — is like that squirmy little dog that rolls onto its back (occasionally going so far as to pee itself) to show the dominant dog due obeisance. (Imagine that dog wearing a spiffy bow tie.)

No one feels animosity for such a dog, only pity. In the human realm? Well, the feelings may vary.

The question of the moment is, how can democracies defend themselves against all the weapons being utilized by authoritarians? Weapons like relentless propaganda and disinformation campaigns, attacks on journalists and the free press in general, and lawless oligarchs laundering their money in London, Amsterdam, and New York while cozying up to officials with charitable giving and political donations.

Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum, author of “Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism,” who wrote “The Autocrats Are Winning,” published last December, will testify to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about what she thinks must be done by the world’s democracies to fight back against what she calls “Autocracy Inc,” the loose, but potent affiliation of autocrats who want to stay in power. What is needed, she writes, is a complete rethinking of our approach.

First among her suggestions is to do a much better job of fighting disinformation. Which naturally brings us back around to the case of Tucker Carlson and his ever-growing ilk.

The Founders knew that democracy had to have an informed citizenry to survive. How can democracy survive the massive dose of misinformation, disinformation, outright propaganda, and bizarre conspiracy theories that Fox, Newsmax, and OAN spew out every day?

Should the First Amendment protect those who constantly muddy the waters — steal the very possibility of citizens becoming better informed — with blatant lies?

The difference between a real journalistic enterprise and a faux journalistic enterprise, such as the channel perfectly named for the furtive little animal (known for its cunning, for its whining vocalizations, and for pouncing on its prey), is that a misstatement of fact by a real journalistic enterprise is typically inadvertent and will be rectified. Misstatement of facts by Fox News Channel hosts is a fundamental part of the business plan.

And, yes, Fox does have real journalists in its employ — veteran video journalist Pierre Zakrzewski, 55, who was working for Fox, and freelance journalist Oleksandra Kuvshynova, 24, were tragically killed covering Putin’s war in Ukraine, while British reporter Benjamin Hall was said to be severely injured — but the real journalism practiced at Fox is meant to provide cover for their true work, that of the likes of Carlson and Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity and Maria Bartiromo, who, as Salon senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte recently noted, launder conspiracy theories in the Fox News­–QAnon feedback loop, by means of seemingly innocently bringing the theories up — trusting their viewers will then go online to dig in the garbage.

It is all so over-the-top treasonous that SNL recently cold-opened with a “Fox News Ukrainian Invasion Celebration Spectacular, from Mar-a-Lago,” hosted by cast members playing Carlson, Ingraham, and Trump.

The comedians, including the truly heroic Zelenskyy, are doing their utmost to save democracy. Can our Western leaders do as much? And who will step up to be America’s Ovsyannikova at Fox News?



Kirk Swearingen
Politically Speaking

Half a lifetime ago, Kirk Swearingen graduated from the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism. His work has most recently appeared in Salon.