
Sorry Trumpists, Biden Is Not A Doddering Old Fool

Biden gave an articulate and statesmanlike speech

Caren White
Politically Speaking
4 min readApr 29, 2021


Image by heblo on Pixabay

There has been a strange silence from my Trumpist friends today, the day after Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress. Could it have anything to do with the articulate and statesmanlike speech that Biden gave last night?

Kinda blows up their favorite conspiracy theory. You know the one. That Biden is hopelessly senile and Harris is the one who is actually governing the country. That Biden doesn’t talk to reporters or hold news conferences because he is incapable of understanding reporters’ questions. That he is unable to speak at all without aides close by to tell him what to say.

Yeah, that one.

Biden looked very relaxed and in control last night. He was able to read from his teleprompter with no problem and even ad-libbed a little without going off-topic. In other words, he was very presidential.

Remember, these conspiracy theories are being floated by people who worship Trump. In their eyes, he is strong, intelligent, smart and knows better about everything than anyone else.

Trump was lousy at giving speeches though. He had trouble reading his teleprompter. He mispronounced words that he wasn’t…



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite