Stock Trading With Nancy Pelosi

This is systemic corruption at its finest

Delilah Brass
Politically Speaking
4 min readNov 11, 2021


Nancy Pelosi courtesy Wikimedia Commons

According to Business Insider, 44 bipartisan members of Congress have failed to properly report their financial trades and in doing so have not complied with the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 (STOCK Act).

The law was created to tackle the congressional issues of insider trading and conflicts of interest. The STOCK Act forces law makers to fully disclose any stock investments they make or any their spouses or children make. They must make these disclosures within 45 days.

Ethics watch dogs say this Act does not go far enough to combat corruption amongst Congress. They call for a complete ban on all trading for all law-makers and their dependents.

Currently, the only penalty the 44 law makers will receive is a measly $200 fine, which will probably be waived by ethics officials.

If that isn’t a failure of justice, I don’t what is. Lawmakers are incapable of complying with their own laws, whilst creating laws for everyone else to abide by. This is egregious hypocrisy. Lawmakers’ excuses for breaking their own laws are pitiful. Some claim they were ignorant of the law created in 2012. Others blame accountants, while some describe their wrong doing as clerical…



Delilah Brass
Politically Speaking

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill