The American Crisis Will Be Solved

How is the question

Kevin Putzier
Politically Speaking


Koalastothemax, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Violence solves everything. That is not an endorsement, but a statement of observable historical fact.

The map above depicts the world in 1914. The one below illustrates my point.

unknown author via Wikimedia Commons- between the two maps you will see a lot of changes in borders and sovereignty.

Due to the vagaries of the Internet, one is highly stylized and one is not, but the borders show. And they are vastly different. Two world wars (one Nuclear!) changed everything. And here, 71 years after the second map, we’re still feeling the effects of that period. It created a lot of problems. But it most definitely solved the question of sovereignty in Europe, much of Asia, and even pieces of South America.

I bring this up because America is a place that is always flirting with violence. Americans, despite what your mom said, seem to believe that violence is the go-to solution for every crisis. Everything must be a war. What’s more, we’re really f***ing good at losing those wars.

The War on Poverty. Yeah, that worked out. Poverty won.

The War on Drugs. Stupid. Drugs don’t man the ramparts nor fire the canon. This was lost upon declaration.



Kevin Putzier
Politically Speaking

I am a practicalist, which means I take political and social ideas from all sides and try to find what works. Mostly Progressive.