The Democrats Have to Rescue America From the Republicans…Again

Trump makes a mess of everything

Robert Pacilio
Politically Speaking


From National Archives

Things are breaking so fast that I don’t have the time for a long-winded essay on the trials and treasons of Trump and Co. However, let me remind our studio audience that this is not the first time the Republican administration has brought the USA to the brink of disaster.

Hoover to FDR: Need I say more? Maybe President Hoover and the Hoovervilles got a bad rap, but FDR galvanized America for four terms (including Truman’s.)

Nixon to Ford/ Carter: Vietnam and the public distrust of Watergate dominated the end of Nixon’s administration. Both Presidents Ford and Carter were magnanimous to Nixon. Ford could not “whip inflation NOW,” but President Carter restored faith in the honesty of the presidency. Both men stabilized a wobbly America. Neither man got the credit for their actions at the time.

George W. Bush to Obama: The mountain of issues President Obama was plagued with in 2008 wasn’t just the economy in free fall, and that took years to reverse the economic tailspin (slow and steady went the ship). Obama had to deal with the catastrophic issues with the oil pouring into the gulf (more fossil fuels promotions from the Republicans) and Hurricane Sandy (more climate denial from the Republicans).



Robert Pacilio
Politically Speaking

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at