The Fascist Playbook, Chapter One

Regarding free societies and media

Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking


The Fascist Playbook
Photo by Author

Fellow Patriots,

This “playbook” is provided in hopes that you will fully understand the motivations, methods, and means of fascism, and use them to make the world a better place. As we will expound at length in later chapters, fascism is the most effective and efficient means of governing any populace.

Democracies are fragile and unstable governments. Within each democracy or republic, there is a continual struggle for control. Factions war constantly, exhausting resources and thwarting progress.

Thankfully, democracy is a temporary condition. Every democracy carries the seeds of its own demise. Unfortunately, the successor can be any one of many different systems, all of which are less effective than fascism at directing an unruly populace.

Hence it is undeniably important that the underpinnings of fascism are put in place during the temporary democratic phase. We cannot afford to leave the future to chance.

Democracy, Republic, Representative Republic…it does not matter. All are bound to fail once weaknesses are identified and exploited. And the self-appointed and elected guardians never expect the small cracks to become massive fissures. Hence the savvy fascist sows seeds in the proper fields to reap great future rewards.

A free society can never control its dialog. It is there for the taking.

Historically, the dialog of a nation resided in its newspapers. No more! Technological advances have provided much more facile means to guide the populace to proper thinking. Millions can be informed of correct thought in an instant. And the instants are not limited to daily distribution. Social media and dogma-themed broadcasting provide a link to followers that is timely and constant. There is little time for the masses to ponder alternatives when we regularly guide them.

But it’s much better than that. Our constant and compelling explanation of current events creates devotees who become disciples. We need only provide the catalytic thought and they will proselytize endlessly!

At the risk of getting ahead of myself, I offer an example of an endlessly effective technique for motivating the masses. Simply stated, communicate “You have been wronged.”

Someone somehow has wronged your followers. There are always ample examples to point to, because no one is immune to being wronged. At whatever station in society one may occupy, there is always wrongdoing that limits the success of every individual.

Seize upon this, amplify it, and emphasize that the problems faced are never due to any fault of your own. The “other” has wronged you, and must be beaten down and removed to loose you from your shackles. Only then will you be able to reach your potential.

The universal appeal of exposing how one has been wronged crosses all demographics. The corporate executive could achieve much greater success if not limited by encumbering regulations. The middle class is rightfully angry at social programs that have kept real wages flat. The unemployed laborer knows that the illegal immigrant took his job. And every ditch-digger knows that the sweat on his back is the only reason the undeserving boss prospers.

You have not received your due. You never get enough. And always, there are forces at play that prevent you from getting more.

Expose these evildoers, and an army of malcontents will do your bidding. And they will cheer as democracy is replaced.

Listen well, my patriots. There is much more to learn, and much to do. Never falter in your belief in our success.

The future belongs to us.

This post is offered in hopes that such thought cannot stand the light of day, and that exposing fascists for who they are will help prevent their rise.



Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.