The GOP Is Not Conservative; It’s Regressive

Karen Shiebler
Politically Speaking
3 min readApr 17, 2022


Time for the left to change the way we talk about the other side

Photo by Natilyn Hicks (Aubrey Hicks Photography) on Unsplash

For years, I’ve been frustrated that the Democratic party seems to continually operate in a defensive mode. I don’t know if it is an effort to appear reasonable, or if they simply lack any real backbone, but no matter what kind of b.s. is hurled at them, the Democrats seem to always respond by trying to explain things away.

It drives me crazy.

For example, each time the Democratic Party attempts to make a move toward supporting the average citizen, the Republicans respond by screaming about communism. And the Dems once again patiently try to explain the difference between a Marxist dictatorship and raising taxes on billionaires.

When the Dems suggest that public schools should welcome and support all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, they are immediately labeled as pedophiles and “groomers.” The Democratic response is either to ignore it or try to explain the importance of supporting the mental health of young people as they develop their own identities.

All well and good, all rational, but all so weak and defensive that it makes my head explode.

Nobody pushes back when Republican Senators claim that Biden is “far-left” and “radical.” Of…



Karen Shiebler
Politically Speaking

A Mother, a grandmother, a progressive voter. I write because it’s getting harder to march and because words are my weapon. I blog at