The Importance and Irrelevance of the Fall of Trump

The tide may be turning, even among Republicans, but it doesn’t matter

Joel Ombry
Politically Speaking


Donald J Trump courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Almost 60% of Americans believe former President Trump should be criminally charged for crimes related to the Jan. 6th insurrection according to a recent poll.

And while he still maintains a strong base of support, there are signs his influence may be weakening. His obsession with trying to reverse the 2020 election results may be reaching a point of diminishing returns. Not for him of course — as his goal is to heal his wounded ego — but for Republicans running for office in 2022 and beyond. Consider a few signs that suggest we may be seeing the beginning of a transition to a post-Trump era in the GOP.

  • The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection is laying out a powerful case that the former president and his close advisors violated multiple federal laws. While indictments may or may not follow, the hearings appear to be causing rising irritation among Republican politicians and their supporters — a sign that they may be impacting public perception.
  • Many of his preferred candidates are losing their primary races, most recently in Georgia. His endorsement is not reliably moving voters.
  • Fox News is starting to air



Joel Ombry
Politically Speaking

Trying to figure it out by writing it down. Interested in politics, health and fitness, writing and personal development.