The Insider’s News & Picks

The January edition

Scott Tarlo
Politically Speaking
8 min readFeb 8, 2023


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Hi folks and welcome to Politically Speaking’s newsletter! First, a couple of housekeeping issues from the publication.

Please note that our Submission Guidelines are updated fairly frequently to reflect changes in what we require for our articles. Please be sure to review them occasionally in case anything changes.

For example, our Keeper of the Guidelines, Katharine Valentino, has updated this document for AI images. No … I’m not going to tell you what the change is! You gotta look for yourself!

And in mentioning Katharine, I send my sincerest thanks to her for keeping our guidelines up-to-date … and keeping me honest!


Artificial Intelligence. AI for short. For me, this term has had a pretty basic meaning. Being someone who enjoys reading the occasional science fiction novel, AI meant a robot that had the characteristics of a human being. It talked, walked, and interacted with humans at a human level, and with all due deference to Isaac Asimov and his three laws of robotics, it probably followed some set of rules.



Scott Tarlo
Politically Speaking

Musings from the crossroads of life. Editor-in Chief and owner of Politically Speaking. Contact at musingsfromthecrossroads@gmail.com